Module pypcsim :: Class LinearNeuron
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[frames] | no frames]

Class LinearNeuron

    object --+                
   ??.instance --+            
  SimObjectFactory --+        
             SimObject --+    
    object --+           |    
             |           |    
   ??.instance --+       |    
                 |       |    
CurrentInputTarget --+   |    
                     |   |    
ConductanceInputTarget --+    
         AnalogPointNeuron --+

Help on LinearNeuron [class]:
This class implements a neuron which just adds up all its inputs (synapses and analog messages) in a linear fashion 

 If there are no Conductance based synapses the output \f$Vm\f$ is given by 
 Vm = Rm  ( Isyn + Iinject + noise ) 
 If there are conductance based synapses the output \f$Vm\f$ is given by 
 Vm = ( Isyn + Iinject + noise )  ( Gsyn + 1  Rm ) 
 \$fIsyn\f$ is the total synaptic input 
 \$fGsyn\f$ is the total amount of conductance supplied by the conductance based synapses 
 \f$Iinject\f$ is some constant base current injection 
 \f$noise\f$ is a gaussian random variable with a standard deviation of Inoise 
 \f$Rm\f$ is the membrane resistance (which acts just as a scaling factor in this case

Nested Classes [hide private]

Inherited from SimObject: ID, PortType

Instance Methods [hide private]
Help on LinearNeuron::LinearNeuron(float Rm=1, float Iinject=0, float Inoise=0) [constructor]

Inherited from AnalogPointNeuron: advance, clearSynapticInput, conductanceInput, currentInput, getAnalogOutput, getManagedDelay, inputPortType, nAnalogInputPorts, nAnalogOutputPorts, nSpikeInputPorts, nSpikeOutputPorts, outputPortType, reset, setAnalogInput

Inherited from SimObject: adjust, check, deepCopy, getFieldOffset, incoming, init, outgoing, owned_by_net, spikeHit, toBeActivated

Inherited from ConductanceInputTarget: getVm

Inherited from unreachable.instance: __new__

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __str__

Static Methods [hide private]
Help on static void LinearNeuron::registerSimObject() [member function]
Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from AnalogPointNeuron: __instance_size__

Inherited from SimObject: analog, spiking, undefined

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from AnalogPointNeuron: Iinject, Inoise, Rm, Vm

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]



Help on LinearNeuron::LinearNeuron(float Rm=1, float Iinject=0, float Inoise=0) [constructor]

Overrides: object.__init__


Overrides: SimObjectFactory.create