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object --+ | ??.instance --+ | SimObjectFactory --+ | SimObject --+ | object --+ | | | ??.instance --+ | | | SpikeSender --+ | | | SingleOutputSpikeSender --+ | LifNeuronBase --+ | object --+ | | | ??.instance --+ | | | CurrentInputTarget --+ | | | ConductanceInputTarget --+ | CbLifNeuron
Help on CbLifNeuron [class]: A leaky-integrate-and-fire (I&F) neuron. ### Model A standard leaky-integrate-and-fire neuron model is implemented where the membrane potential \f$V_m\f$ of a neuron is given by \f[ \tau_m \frac{d V_m}{dt} = -(V_m-V_{resting}) + R_m \cdot (I_{syn}(t)+I_{inject}+I_{noise}) \f] where \f$\tau_m=C_m\cdot R_m\f$ is the membrane time constant, \f$R_m\f$ is the membrane resistance, \f$I_{syn}(t)\f$ is the current supplied by the synapses, \f$I_{inject}\f$ is a non-specific background current and \f$I_{noise}\f$ is a Gaussion random variable with zero mean and a given variance noise. At time \f$t=0\f$ \f$V_m\f$ ist set to \f$V_{init}\f$. If \f$V_m\f$ exceeds the threshold voltage \f$V_{thresh}\f$ it is reset to \f$V_{reset}\f$ and hold there for the length \f$T_{refract}\f$ of the absolute refractory period. ### Implementation The exponential Euler method is used for numerical integration.
Inherited from Inherited from Inherited from Inherited from |
__instance_size__ = 136
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Help on CbLifNeuron::CbLifNeuron(float Rm=1.0e+6, float Cm=2.99999999999999973189543746917434807741642543988e-8, float Vresting=-5.99999999999999977795539507496869191527366638184e-2, float Vthresh=-4.49999999999999983346654630622651893645524978638e-2, float Vreset=-5.99999999999999977795539507496869191527366638184e-2, float Vinit=-5.99999999999999977795539507496869191527366638184e-2, float Trefract=3.00000000000000006245004513516505539882928133011e-3, float Inoise=0.0, float Iinject=0.0) [constructor]
Help on void LifNeuronBase::clearSynapticInput() [member function]
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