A single compartment neuron with an arbitrary number of channels, coductance based as well as current based synapses and a spiketemplate.
The membrane voltage is governed by
with the following meanings of symbols
membrane capacity (Farad)
reversal potential of the leak current (Volts)
membrane resistance (Ohm)
total number of channels (active + synaptic)
current conductance of channel (Siemens)
reversal potential of channel (Volts)
total number of current supplying synapses
current supplied by synapse (Ampere)
total number of coductance based synapses
coductance supplied by synapse (Siemens)
reversal potential of synapse (Volts)
injected current (Ampere)
At time ist set to .
The value of is calculated to compensate for ionic currents such that actually has a resting value of .
Spiking and reseting the membrane voltage
If the membrane voltage exceeds the threshold the CbNeuronSt sends a spike to all its outgoing synapses and the membranevoltagefollows a predefinedspiketemplage during the absolute refractory period of length ifdoReset=1.
If the flag doReset=0 the spike template is not applied and the above equation is also applied during the absolute refractory period but the event of threshold crossing is transmitted as a spike to outgoing synapses. This is usfull if one includes channels which produce a real action potential (see HH_K_Channel and HH_Na_Channel) but one still just wants to communicate the spikes as events in time.
The exponential Euler method is used for numerical integration.