CSIM: DynamicSpikingSynapse Class Reference
DynamicSpikingSynapse Class Reference #include <dynamicspikingsynapse.h >
Inheritance diagram for DynamicSpikingSynapse:
List of all members. Detailed Description
A dynamic spiking synapse (see Markram et al, 1998).
The time varying state of the synapse is increased by when a presynaptic spike hits the synapse and decays exponentially (time constant ) otherwise. and model the current state of facilitation and depression.
Public Attributes
float U
The use parameter of the dynamic synapse [range=(1e-5,1); units=;].
float D
The time constant of the depression of the dynamic synapse [range=(0,10); units=sec;].
float F
The time constant of the facilitation of the dynamic synapse [range=(0,10); units=sec;].
float u0
Value of the time varying facilitation state variable for the first spike [range=(0,1); units=;].
float r0
Value of the time varying depression state variable for the first spike [range=(0,1); units=;].
double u
The time varying state variable for facilitation.
double r
The time varying state variable for depression.
double lastSpike
The last spike time.