CSIM: Network Class Reference
Network Class Reference#include <network.h>
Inheritance diagram for Network:
List of all members.
Detailed Description
Container class for a network of neurons and synapses.
Container class for a network of neurons and synapses.
Public Member Functions
Network (void)
- Constructor.
virtual ~Network ()
- Destructor.
virtual int addNewObject (Advancable *a)
- Add a new object to the network. Note that we do not check if it was already added before.
Advancable * getObject (uint32 idx)
- Return a pointer to the object in the network identified by
idx .
int connect (uint32 destination, uint32 source)
- Setup an information flow from source to destionation using indexes.
- int connect (uint32 recorderIdx, uint32 *objIdx, uint32 n, char *fieldName)
int reset (void)
- Call reset for each object in the network.
int simulate (unsigned long nSteps, csimInputChannel *inputSignal, int ni, csimInputChannel *teacherSignal, int nt)
- Simulate the network for some time steps with an array of given inputs.
unsigned long totalSpikeCount (void)
- Count the total number of spikes occured during the simulation (starting at time
void getSpikes (uint32 *idx, double *times)
- Return all spikes occured during the simulation (starting at time
int getNumOf (char *className)
- Return the number of elements of a given class within the network.
int getNumObjects (void)
- Return total number of objects in the network.
int setParameter (uint32 *idx, int nIdx, char *paramName, double *value, int m, int n)
- Set field of given objects to given value.
int getParameter (uint32 *idx, int n, char *paramName, double **value, int *m)
- Get the values of a given fields of severl objects.
int updateObjects (void)
- Update all internal variables of all object by calling object->fieldChangeNotify();.
void ScheduleSpike (SpikingSynapse *s, pSpikeHandler h, double delay)
- This function will be called by any SpikingNeuron if it wants to transmit a spike.
int listObjects (bool fields)
- Print out a list of all objects.
int importObject (uint32 *idx, int nIdx, double *value, int n)
- Import preprocessors or algorithm.
int exportObject (uint32 *idx, int nIdx, double ***value, int **m)
- Export preprocessors or algorithm.