Basic Concepts

Basic Concepts

The above description of the basic algorithm implicitly introduced all the basic concepts we need to know to understand how Learning-Tool works:

Input Distribution
The distribution from which the training (and test) inputs are drawn. In our example the input distributio is defined byt the following simple procedure (for fixed templates 0 and 1):
  1. Randomly choose template 0 or 1
  2. Add noise (jitter) to each spike in the template

Neural Microcircuit
The circuit which receives the input and whos response is recorded and analysed (in our example this a network of 135 leaky-integrate-and-fire neurons).

Response of the Microcircuit
The response (output) of the neural microcircuit (in our example the 135 spike trains produced by the microcircuit model).

State of the Microcircuit
The transformed (smoothed) response (output) of the neural microcircuit (in this examples this corresponds to a low-pass filtered (30ms) version of the spike trains). This transformation can also be dropped if one can cope directly with the spike response.

Sample Time Points
Since we can only handle finite sets of training examples we must define time points at which we want to sample the state of the microcircuit (in this example we will sample the states every 25ms).

Readout Function
A parameterized function/device which gets as input the circuit states (or in some cases directly the circuit response) an computes the outputs of the system (n this example a threshold gate).

Target Function/Filter
A function which defines for each input time series the target output time series of a readout function. In mathematical terms this should be a target filter since we are talking about computations on time series.

Supervised Learning Algorithm
By means of such algorithm the paramters of the readout -- and only the readout -- are adjusted such that the actual output of the readout matches as close as possible the target output.

Training Set
Set of inputs used to determine the parameter of the readout.

Test Set
Set of inputs different to the training set which is used to asses the performance of the trained readout.

As we will see each of this terms has its corresponding element within Learning-Tool .

(C) 2003, Thomas Natschläger last modified 06/12/2006