This software is deprecated and phased out and no longer maintained

Please goto IGI neuronal software on GITHub for newer implementations of LSM

Getting and Installing the software

Note: All the software on this site is distributed under the GNU General Public License.

Important: The available Windows version was tested locally and was found to be working. But since our group works with the Linux version only, we are unable to provide support for the Windows version of our software.

Linux Version

The availaible source code can be recompiled with gcc 2.95 or gcc 3.4 and above compiler(s). We currently use gcc 4.0.2. Other versions of gcc were found to be not working. In order to set the compiler flags, please check the "Makefile" in the "~/YOUR_LSM_PATH/lsm/csim/src" directory.

Tool File Contents
CSIM csim-1.1.tar.gz (4.3M) C++ sources, HTML documentation, pre-compiled MEX-Files for Linux (csim.mexglx).
csim-1.1.mexglx.tar.gz (388K) pre-compiled MEX-Files csim.mexglx for Linux
csim-1.1-usermanual.pdf (533K) CSIM Usermanual
csim-1.1-reference.tar.gz (817K) CSIM C++ Class Reference and Programmers Manual
Ciruits circuit-tool-1.1.tar.gz (5.6M) Matlab scripts and small MEX-Files for generating neural microcircuits and the HTML documentation. Since CSIM is required it is also included.
circuit-tool-1.1-manual.pdf (505K) Circuit Tool Usermanual
Learning learning-tool-1.1.tar.gz (6.1M) Matlab scripts and some MEX-Files (and HTML documentation) for quantitative analysis of the computational power of neural microcircuits. Since Circuit-Tool is required it is also included.
learning-tool-1.1-manual.pdf (248K) Learning Tool Usermanual

Windows Version

Here is a short description of how to compile CSIM under Windows using the CSIM 1.1.1 (1.10.2014) release. DOES NOT WORK WITH CSIM 1.1!

Tool File Contents
CSIM C++ sources, HTML documentation, pre-compiled 64bit MEX-Files for Windows. C++ sources, HTML documentation, pre-compiled 32bit MEX-Files for Windows. (96K) pre-compiled MEX-File csim.dll for Windows; likely to be not up to date with csim.mexglx.
csim-1.1-usermanual.pdf (533K) CSIM Usermanual (1.5M)
CSIM C++ Class Reference and Programmers Manual
Ciruits (6.5M)
Matlab scripts and small MEX-Files for generating neural microcircuits and the HTML documentation. Since CSIM is required it is also included.
circuit-tool-1.1-manual.pdf (505K) Circuit Tool Usermanual
Learning (7.1M)
Matlab scripts and some MEX-Files (and HTML documentation) for quantitative analysis of the computational power of neural microcircuits. Since Circuit-Tool is required it is also included.
learning-tool-1.1-manual.pdf (248K) Learning Tool Usermanual



For the installation procedure described below to function properly you must first setup Matlab's mex utility properly. This can be achieved by issuing the command mex -setup at the Matlab prompt. For more information on compiling MEX-files see the MEX-files Guide

Step by step installation procedure

  1. Donwload the desired package from above
  2. Unzip the file (e.g. using WinZip under Windows and the command gunzip, tar under Linux/Unix). This will create a subdirectory lsm.
  3. If your operating system is not Linux or Windows goto lsm/csim/src and edit the compiler options at the top of Makefile to meet your system configuration. See the section Compiling CSIM of the CSIM-Usermanual for more information.
  4. Start Matlab and change into the directory lsm
  5. Issue the command install. This will compile all necessary MEX-files (if binaries are not already there) included in the package.
  6. Add the path lsm to the Matlab search path; e. g:
    • addpath('/home/jack/lsm');
    • addpath('C:\Work\Neuroscience\lsm');
  7. Read the documentation.
  8. Have a look at the demos.
  9. Have fun using the software !
(C) 2003, Thomas Natschläger last modified oVVi 29/08/2018