odeiv::AdaptiveStepSolver | |
AdvanceInfo | |
AdvancePhase | |
AdvancePhase::None | |
AdvancePhase::One | |
AdvancePhase::SpikeDriven | |
AdvancePhase::Two | |
aEIFCondAlphaNeuron | |
aEIFNeuron | A current based aEIF (adaptive Exponential Integrate and Fire) neuron |
aEIFNeuronBase | An aEIF (adaptive Exponential Integrate and Fire) neuron |
AlphaFunctionSpikeResponse | |
AlphaInfiniteSpikeResponse | |
AnalogDelayObject | |
AnalogDelayObjectMap | |
AnalogInputNeuron | |
AnalogLevelBasedInputNeuron | Input neuron where the analog input signal is composed of muliple constant levels with different durations |
AnalogMessageDispatcher | |
AnalogMessageDispatcherVector | |
AnalogMessageDispatcherVectorImpl< T > | |
AnalogPointNeuron | This class implements a neuron which just adds up all its inputs (synapses and analog messages) in a linear fashion |
AnalogRecorder | |
AnalogSynapse | Synapse for transmission of analog values |
AttributeConnObjectValueGenerator | Value generator which works for populations of class AugmentedSpatialPopulation and classes derived from it |
AttributePopObjectValueGenerator | Value generator which works for populations of class AugmentedSpatialPopulation and classes derived from it |
AugmentedConnectionDecisionPredicate | Predicate which works for populations of class AugmentedSpatialPopulation and classes derived from it |
AugmentedSpatialPopulation | |
BernoulliDistribution | Bernoulli distribution |
BinomialDistribution | Binomial distribution |
BndGammaDistribution | Bounded Gamma distribution (similar to the bndgamma in the circuit toolbox) |
BndNormalDistribution | Bounded Normal distribution (similar to the bndnormal in the circuit toolbox) |
CauchyDistribution | Cauchy distribution |
CbaEIFNeuron | A conductance based aEIF (adaptive Exponential Integrate and Fire) neuron |
CbExIzhiNeuron | A conductance based 'extended' Izhikevich neuron |
CbIzhiNeuron | A conductance based Izhikevich neuron |
CbLifNeuron | A leaky-integrate-and-fire (I&F) neuron |
CbStaticAnalogSynapse | |
CircularQueue< T > | Circular queue implementation |
ClippedDistribution | Uniform distributed integers in the range [a,b] |
CompositeNeuron< BaseNeuron > | |
ConductanceBasedAnalogSynapse | |
ConductanceInputTarget | |
ConnectionDecisionPredicate | Binary predicate to decide on a connection between an object from a source population and an object in the destination population |
ConnectionDecisionPredicateSpecialization< S, D > | Template which allows type-safe specialization of ConnectionDecisionPredicate's for certain classes of SimObjectPopulations |
ConnectionIterator | Interface for iterating over connections to be made between populations of sim objects |
ConnectionsProjection | Class for making connections between populations of SimObjects |
ConnObjectFactory | |
ConnObjectFactory::FieldGeneratorPair | |
ConnObjectValueGenerator | Customizable generator for connecting SimObject (synapses) field values |
ConnObjectValueGeneratorSpecialization< S, D > | Class exposed to python where user defined value genrators can be derived |
ConstantNumber | A "distribution" which always returns a specified value |
PCSIM::ConstructionException | |
CuboidGridObjectPopulation | SpatialSimObjectPopulation class with SimObject's on an integer grid in 3D |
CuboidIntegerGrid3D | Set of 3D points which have integer coordinates and are within some cuboid subspace |
CurrentBasedAnalogSynapse | |
CurrentInputTarget | |
CycleAdvanceJob | |
DAModStdpDynamicCondExpSynapse | |
DAModStdpDynamicCurrExpSynapse | |
DAModStdpSquarePulseSynapse | |
DAModStdpStaticCondExpSynapse | |
DAModulatedDynamicStdpSynapse | |
DAModulatedStaticStdpSynapse | |
DARecvCbLifNeuron | |
DARecvLifNeuron | |
DARecvLinearPoissonNeuron | |
DegreeDistributionConnections | This ConnectionIterator generates connections such the either the in or out degree of a SimObject in the population follows a given probability distribution |
DelayCond | |
DelayCondAndSyn | |
DistIncomingAnalogSources2BufPosMap | |
DistIncomingAnalogSources2BufPosMap::type< T > | |
DistributedAnalogMessageCreator | |
DistributedAnalogMessageDispatcher | |
DistributedCycledAnalogMessagesDispatchJob | |
DistributedCycledAnalogMsgDispatcher | Interface that is implemented by analog message dispatcher which dispatch messages every sim cycle (= min delay steps) |
DistributedIncomingAnalogMsgDispatcher | |
DistributedIncomingSpikeScheduler | Abstract class providing the interface for incoming spike schedulers |
DistributedMultiThreadNetwork | Network which encapsulates a distributed multi-threaded simulation |
DistributedNetwork | Network holding the common functionalities for distributed simulations |
DistributedNetwork::ConnectInfo | |
DistributedOutgoingAnalogMsgDispatcher | |
DistributedSimEngine | Simulation Engine for a distributed simulation |
DistributedSingleThreadNetwork | Network which encapsulates a distributed single-threaded simulation |
DistributedSpikeScheduler | Spike scheduler for multi-node distributed spike exchange |
DistributedSyncWiringMethod | Implementation of a WiringMethod which allows fast wiring of populations which span multiple MPI nodes |
DistributionStrategy | |
DistributionStrategy::DistributionFunction | |
DistributionStrategy::EngineListStrategy | |
DistributionStrategy::ModuloOverGlobalEngines | |
DistributionStrategy::ModuloOverLocalEngines | |
DistributionStrategy::ModuloOverLocalEnginesOnOneNode | |
DistributionStrategy::RandomOverGlobalEngines | |
DistributionStrategy::RandomOverLocalEngines | |
DistributionStrategy::RankListStrategy | |
DopamineReceiver | |
DoubleExponentialSpikeResponse | |
DynamicCondAlphaSynapse | |
DynamicCondDoubleExpSynapse | |
DynamicCondExpSynapse | |
DynamicCurrAlphaSynapse | |
DynamicCurrDoubleExpSynapse | |
DynamicCurrExpSynapse | |
DynamicGABAAlphaSynapse | |
DynamicGABADoubleExpSynapse | |
DynamicGABAExpSynapse | |
DynamicGlutamateAlphaSynapse | |
DynamicGlutamateDoubleExpSynapse | |
DynamicGlutamateExpSynapse | |
DynamicHomeostaticCurrentSynapse | |
DynamicHomeostaticSynapse | |
DynamicIzhiStdpSynapse | NEEDS TO BE TESTED |
DynamicNMDAAlphaSynapse | |
DynamicNMDADoubleExpSynapse | |
DynamicNMDAExpSynapse | |
DynamicNonLinGABAExpSynapse | |
DynamicSpikingSynapse | |
DynamicStdpCondExpSynapse | |
DynamicStdpSynapse | Dynamic synapse implementing STDP plasticity |
EuclideanDistanceRandomConnections | Implementation of a ConnectionIterator which generates connections which a connection probability which depends on the spatial distance between SimObject's |
EuclidianDistanceConnectionPredicate | Predicate for generating connections which a connection probability which depends on the spatial distance between SimObject's |
EvLifNeuron | |
PCSIM::Exception | |
ExIzhiNeuron | A current based 'extended' Izhikevich neuron |
ExIzhiNeuronBase | An extended Izhikevich neuron |
ExponentialDecaySpikeResponse | |
ExponentialDistribution | Exponential distribution |
FacetsHWDepressionExpSynapse | |
FacetsHWDepressionSynapse | |
FacetsHWFacilitationExpSynapse | |
FacetsHWFacilitationSynapse | |
FamilyConnObjectValueGenerator | Value generator which works for populations of class SpatialFamilyPopulation and classes derived from it |
FamilyIdConnectionDecisionPredicate | Predicate which works for populations of class SpatialFamilyPopulation and classes derived from it |
FamilyPopObjectFactory | Value generator which works for populations of class SpatialFamilyPopulation and classes derived from it |
Field | Holds information about a field of a SimObject |
FieldRegistry | Holds information about a class like name, description and field informations |
FiniteSpikeResponse | |
odeiv::FixedStepSolver | |
GABA_BResponse | |
GABA_BResponseNest | |
GABA_BResponseODE | |
GABA_BSynapse | |
GABA_BSynapseNest | |
GABA_BSynapseODE | |
Gamma2Distribution | Gamma distribution with 2 parameters (additional scaling parameter) |
GammaDistribution | Gamma distribution |
GaussianNoise | |
GenericConductanceBasedSpikingSynapse< Response > | |
GenericCurrentBasedSpikingSynapse< Response > | |
GenericDAModulatedSTDPSynapse< BaseSyn > | Synapse implementing dopamine modulated STDP plasticity (Izhikevich, 2007) |
GenericDynamicSpikingSynapse< SpikeResponse > | |
GenericEachPairStdpSynapse< BaseSyn > | |
GenericFacetsHWDepressionSynapse< SpikeResponse > | |
GenericFacetsHWFacilitationSynapse< SpikeResponse > | |
GenericFroemkeDanStdpSynapse< BaseSyn > | STDP due to Froemke and Dan Nature 416 (3/2002) |
GenericGABASynapse< Response > | Synapse with GABA-A and GABA-B Receptors |
GenericGlutamateSynapse< Response > | Synapse with AMPA and NMDA Receptors |
GenericHomeostaticSynapse< BaseSyn > | |
GenericNMDASynapse< Response > | Synapse implementing NMDA Receptors which depend on the postsynaptic Membrane potential and |
GenericNonLinGABASynapse< Response > | Synapse with GABA-A and GABA-B Receptors |
GenericOnePairStdpSynapse< BaseSyn > | |
GenericStaticAnalogSynapse< base > | |
GenericStaticSpikingSynapse< Response > | A static spike transmitting synapse (no synaptic dynamics) |
GeometricDistribution | Geometric distribution |
GlobalSingleTargetDelayMap | |
odeiv::GslStepper | |
odeiv::GslStepperType | |
HHINeuron | |
HHNeuron | Conductance based spiking neuron using Traubs modified HH model with OU Noise |
HHNeuronTraubMiles91 | Conductance based spiking neuron using Traubs modified HH model |
HomDynGlutamateExpSynapse | |
IDhasNode | |
IncomingSpikeSchedulerThreadPoolJob | Thread Pool Job for multi-thread incoming spike scheduling |
InfiniteSpikeResponse | |
IzhiNeuron | A current based Izhikevich neuron |
IzhiNeuronBase | An Izhikevich neuron |
LaggedFibonacci1279 | |
LaggedFibonacci19937 | |
LaggedFibonacci2281 | |
LaggedFibonacci23209 | |
LaggedFibonacci3217 | |
LaggedFibonacci4423 | |
LaggedFibonacci44497 | |
LaggedFibonacci607 | |
LaggedFibonacci9689 | |
LateralDelayCondAndSyn | |
LateralEuclidianDistanceConnectionPredicate | Predicate for generating connections which a connection probability which depends on the lateral distance between SimObjects |
LateralLongRangeOrientationConnectionPredicate | Predicate for generating retinotopic connections (with orientation tuning) |
LIFCondAlphaNeuron | |
LIFCondExpNeuron | |
LIFCurrAlphaNeuron | |
LIFCurrExpNeuron | |
LifNeuron | A leaky-integrate-and-fire (I&F) neuron |
LifNeuronBase | A leaky-integrate-and-fire (I&F) neuron |
LinearNeuron | This class implements a neuron which just adds up all its inputs (synapses and analog messages) in a linear fashion |
LinearPoissonNeuron | Linear Poisson Neuron as in (Gütig et al., 2003) with refractory period |
LocalDelayMap | Spike routing table for scheduling of spikes within one single thread engine |
LogNormalDistribution | Log-normal distribution |
MersenneTwister11213b | |
MersenneTwister19937 | |
MPIAllToAllCommunicator | Abstract mpi all-to-all Communicator used for distributed mpi spike exchange |
MPIAllToAllCommunicatorFactory | Factory class used to create any of the available different mpi all-to-all exchange communicators |
MPIBufferSlicer | |
MPICommHandle | |
MPIDefaultAllToAllCommunicator | A specialization of MPIAllToAllCommunicator which implements the all-to-all exchange algorithm which uses the MPI_Alltoallv function for the exchange |
MPIExchangeBlocksInfo | |
MPIInputBuffer | |
MPIInputBufferVector | |
MPIInputSpikeBuffer< T > | Buffer class which holds the received serialized spike data from some other node via MPI |
MPIInputSpikeBufferElement | Represents one element from MPIInputSpikeBuffer. Holds information about one occured spike |
MPIInputSpikeBufferIterator< T > | Convenient iterator-like interface to MPIInputSpikeBuffer |
MPIInputSpikeBufferVector< T > | An Array of MPIInputSpikeBuffers |
MPIMessageSpec | |
MPIOutputBuffer | |
MPIOutputBufferVector | An Array of MPIOutputBuffers |
MPIOutputSpikeBuffer< T > | Buffer holding the outgoing spikes to be dispatched to some other node in the next simulation cycle via MPI |
MPIOutputSpikeBufferVector< T > | An Array of MPIOutputSpikeBuffers |
MPISynchroShuffleAllToAllComm | Specialization of MPIAllToAllCommunicator which implements a blocking version of the Synchronuous Shuffle Exchange algorithm presented in [1] |
MTAnalogMessageCreator | |
MTDistributedCycledAnalogMsgDispatcher | |
MTDistributedIncomingSpikeScheduler | Multi threaded distributed incoming spike scheduler |
MTIncomingAnalogMessageDispatcher | |
MTPropagatedSpikeBuffers | |
MTSpikeRoutingTables | Container of local delay map data structures, and a SpikeTargetGroupPool object |
MultipleOutputSpikeSender | |
MultiThreadAnalogMsgDispatcher | Handles analog message dispatching in multi-thread scenario |
MultiThreadNetwork | Network which encapsulates a multi-threaded simulation in one process on a multi-processor machine |
MultiThreadSimEngine | Simulation Engine for a multi-thread simulation |
MultiThreadSpikeScheduler | Spike scheduler for a multi-thread simulation |
NeuroMLImporter | |
NodeLocalMultiTargetDelayMap | |
NormalDistribution | Normal distribution |
PCSIM::NotFoundException | |
PCSIM::ObjectRegistryException | |
odeiv::ODESystem | |
ODESystemBasedSpikingNeuron | |
OneToOneWiringMethod | Simple implementation of WiringMethod which build a one-to-one connection between corresponding SimObject's in the SimObjectPopulation's |
OnlineAverager | |
OnlineHistogramGenerator | |
OUGenerator | |
OUNoiseResponse | |
OUNoiseSynapse | |
OutgoingAnalogMPIBufferSourcesSet | |
PCSIMParserEnvironment | |
PCSIMSpecificNeuroMLParserBase | |
PinkGenerator | TODO |
PlainConnectionDecisionPredicate | Predicate which works for populations of class SimObjectPopulation and classes derived from it |
PlainConnObjectValueGenerator | Value generator which works for populations of class SimObjectPopulation and classes derived from it |
PlainPopObjectValueGenerator | Value generator which works for populations of class SimObjectPopulation and classes derived from it |
Point2D< T > | |
Point2DDistance< T > | |
Point3D< T > | |
Point3DSet | Arbitray set of points in 3 dimensions (double precision) |
Point3DSetSpliter | Class which specifies a spliting algorithm to split one Point3DSet set of points into several disjunct subsets |
PoissonDistribution | Poisson distribution |
PoissonInputNeuron | |
PopObjectAttributeFactory | |
PopObjectFactory | Factory for SimObjects within population |
PopObjectFactory::FieldGeneratorPair | |
PopObjectValueGenerator | Customizable generator for SimObject field values |
PopObjectValueGeneratorSpecialization< P > | Class exposed to python where user defined value genrators can be derived |
PositionBased2dValueGenerator | |
PredicateBasedConnections | Implementation of a ConnectionIterator which connects each pair for which the given connection decisions predicate is true |
PropagatedSpikeBuffer | Schedule/Store spikes to be delivered at a later point in the simulation |
PropagatedSpikeBuffer::const_iterator | Iterator to loop over the scheduled spikes at a certain delay |
PropagatedSpikeBuffer::StgNode | Structure which stores the index of the spike target group and a pointer to the next element in various lists |
PyConnectionDecisionPredicate | Interface for ConnectionDecisionPredicate which allows to implement ConnectionDecisionPredicate's directly in python |
PySimObjectStub | |
QuadDistribution | Quadratic distribution |
quantifier | |
RandomConnections | Fast implementation of pure random connections with a given connection probability |
RandomDistribution | Interface for random number distributions |
RandomDistributionBoostImplementation< boost_dist > | This template allos an easy construction of a RandomDistribution based on a boost::random based distribution |
RandomEngine | Interface definition for a random number generator |
RandomEngineBoostImplementation< boost_engine > | Template for easy construction of RandomEngines using boost::random random number generators |
RandomFixNumberConnections | Fast implementation of random connections with a given connection probability |
RatioBasedFamilies | Generator which does a random assignment of locations to family IDs |
RatioBasedSpliter | Splits a Point3DSet into several subsets based on a probability distribution |
RetinotopicOrientationConnectionPredicate | Predicate for generating retinotopic connections (with orientation tuning) |
odeiv::RungeKutta2 | |
odeiv::RungeKutta4 | |
ScalarField< T > | |
ScalarFieldImpl< T, is_scalar > | |
ScalarFieldImpl< T, false > | |
ScalarFieldImpl< T, true > | |
SimEngine | Abstract class on which all simulation engines are built |
SimEngine::ID | |
SimEngineAdvanceJob | Implements the abstract ThreadPoolJob interface for the purpose of starting SingleThreadSimEngine-s in separate threads taken from a ThreadPool |
SimEngineInitializeJob | |
SimEngineResetJob | |
SimilarAttributeConnectionPredicate | Predicate to test ConnectionDecisionPredicate based on SimObject Attributes |
SimNetwork | |
SimObject | Base class for all objects to simulate |
SimObject::BlockAllocator | Class for memory management of SimObjects |
SimObject::ID | Class containing all the id's necessary to uniquely identify a simulation object |
SimObjectArrayFactory | |
SimObjectAttributes | Set of attributes which can be associated to SimObject's by using the AugmentedSpatialPopulation |
SimObjectAttributesDefinition | Hold the definition of a set of attributes |
SimObjectCloneFactory< T > | This class provides the functionality for cloning SimObject instances |
SimObjectFactory | This class provides the interface for creating SimObject instances |
SimObjectIDLessThan | |
SimObjectIDSortedVector | |
SimObjectInformation | |
SimObjectPool | Container for all elements in the simulation |
SimObjectPool::SimObjectIterator | Iterator for iterating over the advancable objects in the pool |
SimObjectPopulation | Simple population of SimObjects |
SimObjectRegistry | Class for registering simulation object classes |
SimObjectRegistry::FirstIndexOf | |
SimObjectVariationFactory | Randomized generation of SimObjects |
SimObjectVariationFactory::FieldRngPair | |
SimParameter | Structure which encapsulates all global simulation parameters |
SimpleAllToAllWiringMethod | Standard implementation of wiring up two populations of SimObject's |
SimpleNonRepeatRandomNG | |
SimpleRandomNumberGenerator | |
SimpleScalingSpikingSynapse | |
SimProgressBar | |
SingleOutputSpikeSender | |
SingleThreadAnalogMsgDispatcher | Dispatcher of local analog messages (within one thread) |
SingleThreadNetwork | Network which can only be run by one thread |
SingleThreadSimEngine | Simulation engine running in a single thread of execution |
SingleThreadSpikeScheduler | Class implementing the SpikeScheduler abstract class for the single threaded case |
odeiv::Solver | |
SpatialConnectionDecisionPredicate | Predicate which works for populations of class SpatialSimObjectPopulation and classes derived from it |
SpatialConnObjectValueGenerator | Value generator which works for populations of class SpatialSimObjectPopulation and classes derived from it |
SpatialFamilyIDGenerator | Base class for generating several different families of objects (created by different factories) into one population |
SpatialFamilyPopulation | This class associates a family ID and a location in 3D space with each simulation object in the population |
SpatialObjectPopulation | Population of SimObject's with associated locations in 3D space |
SpatialPopObjectValueGenerator | Value generator which works for populations of class SpatialSimObjectPopulation and classes derived from it |
SpatialSimObjectPopulation | Population of SimObject's with associated locations in 3D space |
SphereConnectionPredicate | Predicate for connections within a sphere with given radius |
SpikeBuffer | Stores a sequence of spikes. Provides a cutoff routine which erases spikes older then some time point |
SpikeEvent | Information about the spike time |
SpikeOutputPort | |
SpikeScheduler | Abstract class on which all spike schedulers are built |
SpikeSender | |
SpikeTargetGroupPool | |
SpikeTargetGroupPool::SpikeTarget | |
SpikeTimeRecorder | |
SpikingInputNeuron | A spiking neuron which emits a predefined spike train |
SquarePulseSpikeResponse | |
STAnalogMessageCreator | |
StaticAnalogSynapse | |
StaticCondAlphaSynapse | |
StaticCondDoubleExpSynapse | |
StaticCondExpSynapse | |
StaticCurrAlphaSynapse | |
StaticCurrDoubleExpSynapse | |
StaticCurrExpSynapse | |
StaticCurrSquarePulseSynapse | |
StaticGABAAlphaSynapse | |
StaticGABADoubleExpSynapse | |
StaticGABAExpSynapse | |
StaticGlutamateAlphaSynapse | |
StaticGlutamateDoubleExpSynapse | |
StaticGlutamateExpSynapse | |
StaticHomeostaticCurrentSynapse | |
StaticHomeostaticSynapse | |
StaticInfPSRCurrAlphaSynapse | |
StaticIzhiStdpSynapse | NEEDS TO BE TESTED |
StaticNMDAAlphaSynapse | |
StaticNMDADoubleExpSynapse | |
StaticNMDAExpSynapse | |
StaticNonLinGABAExpSynapse | |
StaticSpikingSynapse | |
StaticStdpCondExpSynapse | |
StaticStdpSquareSynapse | |
StaticStdpSynapse | Static synapse implementing STDP plasticity |
STDistributedIncomingSpikeScheduler | Single threaded distributed incoming spike scheduler |
odeiv::Stepper | |
SubSpaceConstraint | Interface for definint constraints on 3D spaces |
TargetNodesMap | |
ThreadPool | |
ThreadPoolJob | |
ThreadSpecificRandomDistribution< Dist > | |
ThreadSpecificRandomEngine | |
Time | |
PCSIM::TimeException | |
PCSIM::TimeRangeException | |
TriangleDistribution | Triangle distribution |
UniformDistribution | Uniform distribution in the interval [a,b) |
UniformIntegerDistribution | Uniform distributed integers in the range [a,b] |
Volume2DSize | |
Volume3DSize | |
WiringMethod | Interface for connecting populations of SimObject's |
WiringMethodSelector | Factory for available WiringMethod's |
WorkerMainLoop | |
WorkerState | |