CSIM: IonChannel Class Reference

IonChannel Class Reference

#include <ionchannel.h>

Inheritance diagram for IonChannel:

Advancable csimClass ActiveChannel AHP_Channel SynapticChannel AChannel_Hoffman97 AChannel_Korngreen02 ActiveCaChannel CaChannel_Yamada98 CALChannel_Destexhe98 HChannel_Stuart98 HH_K_Channel HH_Na_Channel KCAChannel_Mainen96 KChannel_Korngreen02 MChannel_Mainen96 MChannel_Wang98 NPChannel_McCormick02 SICChannel_Maciokas02 Traubs_HH_K_Channel Traubs_HH_Na_Channel List of all members.

Detailed Description

Base class for all ionic channels.


Since IonChannel is the base class for all ionic channels it does not implement any specific channel model.

Input and output signals

The output signals of an IonChannel object are the reversal potential $E_{rev}$ and the time (and voltage) dependent conductance $g(t,V_m)$ .

As input signal an IonChannel needs the membrane voltage $V_m$ of the corresponding CbNeuron, MembranePatchSimple, or AnalogNeuron to which the object is connected.

To adjust to arbitrary resting potentials an IonChannel also needs access to the resting potential $V_{resting}$ of the corresponding object.

Public Member Functions

  • virtual void membraneSpikeNotify (double t)=0
    If the object to which the channel belongs emmits a spike this function gets called.
  • virtual double gInfty (void)
    Vclamp .

Public Attributes

  • float Erev
    The reversal potential $E_{rev}$ of the channel [units=V; range=(-1,1); readwrite;].
  • double g
    The coductance $g(t,V_m)$ of the channel [readonly; units=S; range=(0,1);].

Protected Attributes


(C) 2003, Thomas Natschläger last modified 07/10/2006