CSIM: Class List

CSIM Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AChannel_Hoffman97Voltage dependent ion channel from Hoffman et al., 1997
AChannel_Korngreen02Voltage dependent ion channel from Korngreen et al. 2002
ActiveCaChannelIon channel that contributes to the intracellular calcium concentration
ActiveChannelBase Class for all active ionic channels using ion gates
AdvancableBase class for all objects to simulate
AhGate_Hoffman97Voltage dependent ion gate from Hoffman et al., 1997
AHP_ChannelAHP model with constant activation gating function and constant step increase of the calcium concentration
AlGate_Korngreen02Voltage dependent ion gate from Korngreen et al. 2002
AlgorithmThe current algorithm interface is designed for offline-training only, i.e. all learning must occur externally. The algorithm object only "learns" through imported parameter vectors
AlphaSpikeFilterFilter which simulates spikes with alpha functions
AmGate_Hoffman97Voltage dependent ion gate from Hoffman et al., 1997
AnalogFeedbackNeuronAn object which outputs a predefined analog signal or an analog feedback from a readout or physical model
AnalogFilterBase class of all analog filters
AnalogInputNeuronAn object which outputs a predefined analog signal
AnalogNeuronBase class for all analog neurons
AnalogNeuron::QueueQueue for delaying the output of analog synapses
AnalogSynapseBase class of all analog synapses
AnalogTeacherTeacher for a pool of analog neurons (all teached with the same signal)
AnGate_Korngreen02Voltage dependent ion gate from Korngreen et al. 2002
ArmModelTest class of physical model, for an arm. WITHOUT DELAY!!
bNACNeuronConductance based non-accomodating spiking neuron (with spike template)
bNACOUNeuronConductance based non-accomodating spiking neuron with Ornstein Uhlenbeck process noise
CaChannel_Yamada98Ca concentration dependent ion channel
cACNeuronConductance based accomodating spiking neuron (with spike template)
cACOUNeuronConductance based accomodating spiking neuron with Ornstein Uhlenbeck process noise
CaGate_Yamada98Ca concentration dependent ion gate
CALChannel_Destexhe98Voltage dependent ion channel from Destexhe et al. (1998)
CALhGate_Destexhe98Voltage dependent ion gate from Destexhe et al. (1998)
CALmGate_Destexhe98Voltage dependent ion gate from Destexhe et al. (1998)
CbHHOuINeuronA single compartment neuron with an arbitrary number of channels, current supplying synapses and spike template
CbHHOuNeuronA single compartment neuron with an arbitrary number of channels, current supplying synapses and spike template
CbNeuronA single compartment neuron with an arbitrary number of channels, conductance based, as well as current based synapses
CbNeuronStA single compartment neuron with an arbitrary number of channels, coductance based as well as current based synapses and a spike template
CbStOuNeuronA single compartment neuron with an arbitrary number of channels, coductance based as well as current based synapses, a spike template and Ornstein Uhlenbeck process noise
ConcIonGateGeneric first order kinitics ion concentration dependend ion gate
CountSpikeFilterFilter which counts the spikes in a given time window
csimAnalogInputClassBase class for all analog input channel receiving classes like AnalogInputNeuron or AnalogTeacher
csimClassBase class of all classes in CSIM
csimClassInfoHolds information about a class like name, description and field informations
csimClassInfoDBA database/dictionary of all classes with accessable fields
csimErrorClass for managing formated error messages
csimFieldInfoHolds information about a field of a class
csimInputChannelStructure representing an analog or spiking signal channel
csimInputClassBase class for all input channel receiving classes like AnalogInputNeuron or SpikingInputNeuron
csimList< T, inc >Template class for storing an array of pointers
csimRecorderImplements an object which can record fields from other objects
csimRecorder::RecFieldStores information about a field to recored from
csimSpikingInputClassBase class for all spiking input channel receiving classes like SpikingInputNeuron or SpikingTeacher
DiscretizationPreprocessorImplementation of a discretization of the input. Every row x_i of the input vector is transformed into $x_i' = round (x_i / \epsilon_i)$
dNACNeuronConductance based non-accomodating spiking neuron (with spike template)
dNACOUNeuronConductance based non-accomodating spiking neuron with Ornstein Uhlenbeck process noise
DynamicAnalogSynapseImplements dynamic analog synapses
DynamicGlutamateSynapseBase class for dynamic spiking glutamate synapses with spike time dependent plasticity (STDP)
DynamicGlutamateSynapseSynchanBase class for all dynamic spiking synapses with spike time dependent plasticity (STDP)
DynamicSpikingCbSynapseA dynamic spiking synapse (see Markram et al, 1998)
DynamicSpikingSynapseA dynamic spiking synapse (see Markram et al, 1998)
DynamicStdpSynapseSynapse with spike time dependent plasticity as well as short term dynamics (faciliataion and depression)
ExpSpikeFilterFilter which simulates exponential decay of spikes
ExtInputNeuronImplements an external (analog) input neuron
ExtOutLifNeuronA LIF neuron which writes its output to some external program
ExtOutLinearNeuronA linear neuron which writes its output to some external program
ExtOutSigmoidalNeuronA sigmoidal neuron which writes its output to some external program
FilterFunctionBase class of all filter objects
ForceableBase class for all objects we can be forced (by some teacher; see class Teacher) to produce a given target output
GaussianAnalogFilterImplementation of an analog low-pass filter with a gaussian kernel
GlutamateSynapseBase Class for Glutamate synapse with NMDA and AMPA channels
GlutamateSynapseSynchanBase Class for Glutamate synapse with NMDA and AMPA channels at the target neuron
GVD_cT_GateA generic voltage dependent ion gate with constant time constant
GVD_GateA generic voltage dependent ion gate
HChannel_Stuart98Voltage dependent ion channel from Stuart and Spruston (1998)
HH_h_GateH gate for the fast HH sodium Na channel
HH_K_ChannelHodgkin and Huxley fast potassium (K) channel for AP generation
HH_m_GateM gate for the fast HH sodium (Na) channel
HH_n_GateN gate for the fast HH potassium (K) channel
HH_Na_ChannelHodgkin and Huxley fast sodium (Na) channel for AP generation
HHNeuronConductance based spiking neuron using the HH squid modell
HnGate_Stuart98Voltage dependent ion gate from Stuart and Spruston (1998)
HVACAChannel_Brown93Voltage dependent ion channel from Brown et al. (1993)
HVACAuGate_Brown93Voltage dependent ion gate from Brown et al. (1993)
HVACAvGate_Brown93Voltage dependent ion gate from Brown et al. (1993)
IfbNeuronA leaky-integrate-and-fire-or-burst (IFB) neuron
InternalVoltageNeuronBase class for all neuron classes with membrane voltage
IonBufferAn ion buffer handling the ion concentration of multiple ionic input currents and outward pump
IonChannelBase class for all ionic channels
IonGateGeneric first order kinetics ion gate template
Izhi_NeuronA canonical bursting and spiking neuron
KCAChannel_Mainen96Voltage dependent ion gate from Mainen and Sejnowski (1996)
KCAnGate_Mainen96Voltage dependent ion gate from Mainen and Sejnowski (1996)
KChannel_Korngreen02Voltage dependent ion channel from Korngreen et al. 2002
KDnGate_Traub91From: Traub RD, Miles R (1991): Neuronal Networks of the Hippocampus, Cambridge University Press, New York
KlGate_Korngreen02Voltage dependent ion gate from Korngreen et al. 2002
KnGate_Korngreen02Voltage dependent ion gate from Korngreen et al. 2002
LifBurstNeuronA nonstandart leaky-integrate-and-fire (I&F) neuron
LifNeuronA leaky-integrate-and-fire (I&F) neuron
LifNeuronSynchanA leaky-integrate-and-fire (I&F) neuron
linear_classificationImplementation of a linear classification
linear_regressionImplementation of a linear regression
LinearNeuronA linear neuron: simply summing up the inputs
LinearPreprocessorImplementation of a linear transformation of the input. Every row x_i of the input vector is transformed into x_i' = a_i * x_i + b_i
MChannel_Mainen96Voltage dependent ion channel from Mainen and Sejnowski (1996)
MChannel_Wang98Voltage dependent ion channel from Wang et al., 1998
Mean_Std_PreprocessorImplementation of a Mean / Standard-Deviation Normalizer
MembranePatchA a patch of membrane with an arbitrary number of channels and current supplying synapses
MembranePatchSimpleA a path of membrane with an arbitrary number of channels and current supplying synapses
MexNetworkIn addition to the class Network it provides specific methods for the Matlab MEX interface
MexRecorderAlias for Recorder for backwards compatibility
MmGate_Wang98Voltage dependent ion gate from Wang et al., 1998
MnGate_Mainen96Voltage dependent ion gate from Mainen and Sejnowski (1996)
ModelInputBase class for all classes which are potential inputs for physical models
MpGate_Mainen96origFrom: Mainen ZF, Joerges J, Huguenard JR, Sejnowski TJ.,A model of spike initiation in neocortical pyramidal neurons.,Neuron. 1995 Dec;15(6):1427-39
NAhGate_Traub91From: Traub RD, Miles R (1991): Neuronal Networks of the Hippocampus, Cambridge University Press, New York
NAmGate_Traub91From: Traub RD, Miles R (1991): Neuronal Networks of the Hippocampus, Cambridge University Press, New York
NeedsPostSpikeSynapseInterface for synapses which will receive a postsynaptic spike
NetworkContainer class for a network of neurons and synapses
Network::eventStructure for memory management of the event/spike driven part of the simulation
NeuronBase class of all neurons
NPChannel_McCormick02Voltage dependent ion channel from McCormick and Huguenard (1992)
NPmGate_McCormick92Voltage dependent ion gate from McCormick and Huguenard (1992)
PCAPreprocessorImplementation of a PCA (Principal Component Analysis) of the input. A principal component transformation is applied to the whole input vector
PhysicalModelBase class of all physical models to be used in CSIM simulations
PreprocessorBase class of all preprocessors that can be applied to the filtered input of a readout. Examples are normalizers, PCA and linear transformations
ReadoutBase class of all readouts
Readout::RecFieldStores information about a field to record from
RecorderRecords fields from arbitrary objects during simulation
SICChannel_Maciokas02Voltage dependent ion channel from Maciokas et al. 2002
SIChGate_Maciokas02Voltage dependent ion gate from Maciokas et al. 2002
SICmGate_Maciokas02Voltage dependent ion gate from Maciokas et al. 2002
SigmoidalNeuronAn analog neuron with a sigmoidal activation function
SpikeFilterBase class of all spike filters
SpikingInputNeuronA spiking neuron which emits a predefined spike train
SpikingNeuronBase class for all spiking neurons, i.e. spike emitting objects
SpikingNeuron::SpikeDestStructure holding all information necessay to rout a spike to its target
SpikingSynapseBase class of all spike transmitting synapses
SpikingTeacherTeacher for a pool of spiking neurons
StaticAnalogCbSynapseIts input is the synaptic conductance and its output is the PSC
StaticAnalogSynapseA synapse which transmitts analog values (no dynamics)
StaticGlutamateSynapseA Glutamate synapse with no synaptic short time dynamics, i.e. no depression and no facilitation
StaticGlutamateSynapseSynchanA STDP synapse with no synaptic short time dynamics, i.e. no depression and no facilitation
StaticSpikingCbSynapseA static spike transmitting synapse (no synaptic dynamics)
StaticSpikingSynapseA static spike transmitting synapse (no synaptic dynamics)
StaticStdpSynapseA STDP synapse with no synaptic short time dynamics, i.e. no depression and no facilitation
StdpSynapseBase class for all spiking synapses with spike time dependent plasticity (STDP)
SynapseBase class of all synapses
SynapseTargetBase class for all classes which are potential synaptic targets
SynapticChannelIonChannel which transforms spikes into conductance changes
TeacherContainer class for a set of objects subject to teacher forcing
Traubs_HH_h_GateH gate for the fast Traubs modified HH sodium Na channel
Traubs_HH_K_ChannelTraubs modified version of Hodgkin and Huxley's fast potassium (K) channel for AP generation
Traubs_HH_m_GateM gate for the fast Traubs modified HH sodium (Na) channel
Traubs_HH_n_GateN gate for Traub's modified fast HH potassium (K) channel
Traubs_HH_Na_ChannelTraubs modified version of Hodgkin and Huxley fast sodium (Na) channel for AP generation
TraubsHHNeuronConductance based spiking neuron using Traubs modified HH model
TriangularAnalogFilterImplementation of an analog low-pass filter with a triangular kernel
UserAnalogFilterImplementation of an analog low-pass filter with a user-defined kernel (maximum length = 10)
VIonGateGeneric first order kinitics voltage dependend ion gate

(C) 2003, Thomas Natschläger last modified 07/10/2006