AChannel_Hoffman97 | Voltage dependent ion channel from Hoffman et al., 1997 |
AChannel_Korngreen02 | Voltage dependent ion channel from Korngreen et al. 2002 |
ActiveCaChannel | Ion channel that contributes to the intracellular calcium concentration |
ActiveChannel | Base Class for all active ionic channels using ion gates |
Advancable | Base class for all objects to simulate |
AhGate_Hoffman97 | Voltage dependent ion gate from Hoffman et al., 1997 |
AHP_Channel | AHP model with constant activation gating function and constant step increase of the calcium concentration |
AlGate_Korngreen02 | Voltage dependent ion gate from Korngreen et al. 2002 |
Algorithm | The current algorithm interface is designed for offline-training only, i.e. all learning must occur externally. The algorithm object only "learns" through imported parameter vectors |
AlphaSpikeFilter | Filter which simulates spikes with alpha functions |
AmGate_Hoffman97 | Voltage dependent ion gate from Hoffman et al., 1997 |
AnalogFeedbackNeuron | An object which outputs a predefined analog signal or an analog feedback from a readout or physical model |
AnalogFilter | Base class of all analog filters |
AnalogInputNeuron | An object which outputs a predefined analog signal |
AnalogNeuron | Base class for all analog neurons |
AnalogNeuron::Queue | Queue for delaying the output of analog synapses |
AnalogSynapse | Base class of all analog synapses |
AnalogTeacher | Teacher for a pool of analog neurons (all teached with the same signal) |
AnGate_Korngreen02 | Voltage dependent ion gate from Korngreen et al. 2002 |
ArmModel | Test class of physical model, for an arm. WITHOUT DELAY!! |
bNACNeuron | Conductance based non-accomodating spiking neuron (with spike template) |
bNACOUNeuron | Conductance based non-accomodating spiking neuron with Ornstein Uhlenbeck process noise |
CaChannel_Yamada98 | Ca concentration dependent ion channel |
cACNeuron | Conductance based accomodating spiking neuron (with spike template) |
cACOUNeuron | Conductance based accomodating spiking neuron with Ornstein Uhlenbeck process noise |
CaGate_Yamada98 | Ca concentration dependent ion gate |
CALChannel_Destexhe98 | Voltage dependent ion channel from Destexhe et al. (1998) |
CALhGate_Destexhe98 | Voltage dependent ion gate from Destexhe et al. (1998) |
CALmGate_Destexhe98 | Voltage dependent ion gate from Destexhe et al. (1998) |
CbHHOuINeuron | A single compartment neuron with an arbitrary number of channels, current supplying synapses and spike template |
CbHHOuNeuron | A single compartment neuron with an arbitrary number of channels, current supplying synapses and spike template |
CbNeuron | A single compartment neuron with an arbitrary number of channels, conductance based, as well as current based synapses |
CbNeuronSt | A single compartment neuron with an arbitrary number of channels, coductance based as well as current based synapses and a spike template |
CbStOuNeuron | A single compartment neuron with an arbitrary number of channels, coductance based as well as current based synapses, a spike template and Ornstein Uhlenbeck process noise |
ConcIonGate | Generic first order kinitics ion concentration dependend ion gate |
CountSpikeFilter | Filter which counts the spikes in a given time window |
csimAnalogInputClass | Base class for all analog input channel receiving classes like AnalogInputNeuron or AnalogTeacher |
csimClass | Base class of all classes in CSIM |
csimClassInfo | Holds information about a class like name, description and field informations |
csimClassInfoDB | A database/dictionary of all classes with accessable fields |
csimError | Class for managing formated error messages |
csimFieldInfo | Holds information about a field of a class |
csimInputChannel | Structure representing an analog or spiking signal channel |
csimInputClass | Base class for all input channel receiving classes like AnalogInputNeuron or SpikingInputNeuron |
csimList< T, inc > | Template class for storing an array of pointers |
csimRecorder | Implements an object which can record fields from other objects |
csimRecorder::RecField | Stores information about a field to recored from |
csimSpikingInputClass | Base class for all spiking input channel receiving classes like SpikingInputNeuron or SpikingTeacher |
DiscretizationPreprocessor | Implementation of a discretization of the input. Every row x_i of the input vector is transformed into |
dNACNeuron | Conductance based non-accomodating spiking neuron (with spike template) |
dNACOUNeuron | Conductance based non-accomodating spiking neuron with Ornstein Uhlenbeck process noise |
DynamicAnalogSynapse | Implements dynamic analog synapses |
DynamicGlutamateSynapse | Base class for dynamic spiking glutamate synapses with spike time dependent plasticity (STDP) |
DynamicGlutamateSynapseSynchan | Base class for all dynamic spiking synapses with spike time dependent plasticity (STDP) |
DynamicSpikingCbSynapse | A dynamic spiking synapse (see Markram et al, 1998) |
DynamicSpikingSynapse | A dynamic spiking synapse (see Markram et al, 1998) |
DynamicStdpSynapse | Synapse with spike time dependent plasticity as well as short term dynamics (faciliataion and depression) |
ExpSpikeFilter | Filter which simulates exponential decay of spikes |
ExtInputNeuron | Implements an external (analog) input neuron |
ExtOutLifNeuron | A LIF neuron which writes its output to some external program |
ExtOutLinearNeuron | A linear neuron which writes its output to some external program |
ExtOutSigmoidalNeuron | A sigmoidal neuron which writes its output to some external program |
FilterFunction | Base class of all filter objects |
Forceable | Base class for all objects we can be forced (by some teacher; see class Teacher) to produce a given target output |
GaussianAnalogFilter | Implementation of an analog low-pass filter with a gaussian kernel |
GlutamateSynapse | Base Class for Glutamate synapse with NMDA and AMPA channels |
GlutamateSynapseSynchan | Base Class for Glutamate synapse with NMDA and AMPA channels at the target neuron |
GVD_cT_Gate | A generic voltage dependent ion gate with constant time constant |
GVD_Gate | A generic voltage dependent ion gate |
HChannel_Stuart98 | Voltage dependent ion channel from Stuart and Spruston (1998) |
HH_h_Gate | H gate for the fast HH sodium Na channel |
HH_K_Channel | Hodgkin and Huxley fast potassium (K) channel for AP generation |
HH_m_Gate | M gate for the fast HH sodium (Na) channel |
HH_n_Gate | N gate for the fast HH potassium (K) channel |
HH_Na_Channel | Hodgkin and Huxley fast sodium (Na) channel for AP generation |
HHNeuron | Conductance based spiking neuron using the HH squid modell |
HnGate_Stuart98 | Voltage dependent ion gate from Stuart and Spruston (1998) |
HVACAChannel_Brown93 | Voltage dependent ion channel from Brown et al. (1993) |
HVACAuGate_Brown93 | Voltage dependent ion gate from Brown et al. (1993) |
HVACAvGate_Brown93 | Voltage dependent ion gate from Brown et al. (1993) |
IfbNeuron | A leaky-integrate-and-fire-or-burst (IFB) neuron |
InternalVoltageNeuron | Base class for all neuron classes with membrane voltage |
IonBuffer | An ion buffer handling the ion concentration of multiple ionic input currents and outward pump |
IonChannel | Base class for all ionic channels |
IonGate | Generic first order kinetics ion gate template |
Izhi_Neuron | A canonical bursting and spiking neuron |
KCAChannel_Mainen96 | Voltage dependent ion gate from Mainen and Sejnowski (1996) |
KCAnGate_Mainen96 | Voltage dependent ion gate from Mainen and Sejnowski (1996) |
KChannel_Korngreen02 | Voltage dependent ion channel from Korngreen et al. 2002 |
KDnGate_Traub91 | From: Traub RD, Miles R (1991): Neuronal Networks of the Hippocampus, Cambridge University Press, New York |
KlGate_Korngreen02 | Voltage dependent ion gate from Korngreen et al. 2002 |
KnGate_Korngreen02 | Voltage dependent ion gate from Korngreen et al. 2002 |
LifBurstNeuron | A nonstandart leaky-integrate-and-fire (I&F) neuron |
LifNeuron | A leaky-integrate-and-fire (I&F) neuron |
LifNeuronSynchan | A leaky-integrate-and-fire (I&F) neuron |
linear_classification | Implementation of a linear classification |
linear_regression | Implementation of a linear regression |
LinearNeuron | A linear neuron: simply summing up the inputs |
LinearPreprocessor | Implementation of a linear transformation of the input. Every row x_i of the input vector is transformed into x_i' = a_i * x_i + b_i |
MChannel_Mainen96 | Voltage dependent ion channel from Mainen and Sejnowski (1996) |
MChannel_Wang98 | Voltage dependent ion channel from Wang et al., 1998 |
Mean_Std_Preprocessor | Implementation of a Mean / Standard-Deviation Normalizer |
MembranePatch | A a patch of membrane with an arbitrary number of channels and current supplying synapses |
MembranePatchSimple | A a path of membrane with an arbitrary number of channels and current supplying synapses |
MexNetwork | In addition to the class Network it provides specific methods for the Matlab MEX interface |
MexRecorder | Alias for Recorder for backwards compatibility |
MmGate_Wang98 | Voltage dependent ion gate from Wang et al., 1998 |
MnGate_Mainen96 | Voltage dependent ion gate from Mainen and Sejnowski (1996) |
ModelInput | Base class for all classes which are potential inputs for physical models |
MpGate_Mainen96orig | From: Mainen ZF, Joerges J, Huguenard JR, Sejnowski TJ.,A model of spike initiation in neocortical pyramidal neurons.,Neuron. 1995 Dec;15(6):1427-39 |
NAhGate_Traub91 | From: Traub RD, Miles R (1991): Neuronal Networks of the Hippocampus, Cambridge University Press, New York |
NAmGate_Traub91 | From: Traub RD, Miles R (1991): Neuronal Networks of the Hippocampus, Cambridge University Press, New York |
NeedsPostSpikeSynapse | Interface for synapses which will receive a postsynaptic spike |
Network | Container class for a network of neurons and synapses |
Network::event | Structure for memory management of the event/spike driven part of the simulation |
Neuron | Base class of all neurons |
NPChannel_McCormick02 | Voltage dependent ion channel from McCormick and Huguenard (1992) |
NPmGate_McCormick92 | Voltage dependent ion gate from McCormick and Huguenard (1992) |
PCAPreprocessor | Implementation of a PCA (Principal Component Analysis) of the input. A principal component transformation is applied to the whole input vector |
PhysicalModel | Base class of all physical models to be used in CSIM simulations |
Preprocessor | Base class of all preprocessors that can be applied to the filtered input of a readout. Examples are normalizers, PCA and linear transformations |
Readout | Base class of all readouts |
Readout::RecField | Stores information about a field to record from |
Recorder | Records fields from arbitrary objects during simulation |
SICChannel_Maciokas02 | Voltage dependent ion channel from Maciokas et al. 2002 |
SIChGate_Maciokas02 | Voltage dependent ion gate from Maciokas et al. 2002 |
SICmGate_Maciokas02 | Voltage dependent ion gate from Maciokas et al. 2002 |
SigmoidalNeuron | An analog neuron with a sigmoidal activation function |
SpikeFilter | Base class of all spike filters |
SpikingInputNeuron | A spiking neuron which emits a predefined spike train |
SpikingNeuron | Base class for all spiking neurons, i.e. spike emitting objects |
SpikingNeuron::SpikeDest | Structure holding all information necessay to rout a spike to its target |
SpikingSynapse | Base class of all spike transmitting synapses |
SpikingTeacher | Teacher for a pool of spiking neurons |
StaticAnalogCbSynapse | Its input is the synaptic conductance and its output is the PSC |
StaticAnalogSynapse | A synapse which transmitts analog values (no dynamics) |
StaticGlutamateSynapse | A Glutamate synapse with no synaptic short time dynamics, i.e. no depression and no facilitation |
StaticGlutamateSynapseSynchan | A STDP synapse with no synaptic short time dynamics, i.e. no depression and no facilitation |
StaticSpikingCbSynapse | A static spike transmitting synapse (no synaptic dynamics) |
StaticSpikingSynapse | A static spike transmitting synapse (no synaptic dynamics) |
StaticStdpSynapse | A STDP synapse with no synaptic short time dynamics, i.e. no depression and no facilitation |
StdpSynapse | Base class for all spiking synapses with spike time dependent plasticity (STDP) |
Synapse | Base class of all synapses |
SynapseTarget | Base class for all classes which are potential synaptic targets |
SynapticChannel | IonChannel which transforms spikes into conductance changes |
Teacher | Container class for a set of objects subject to teacher forcing |
Traubs_HH_h_Gate | H gate for the fast Traubs modified HH sodium Na channel |
Traubs_HH_K_Channel | Traubs modified version of Hodgkin and Huxley's fast potassium (K) channel for AP generation |
Traubs_HH_m_Gate | M gate for the fast Traubs modified HH sodium (Na) channel |
Traubs_HH_n_Gate | N gate for Traub's modified fast HH potassium (K) channel |
Traubs_HH_Na_Channel | Traubs modified version of Hodgkin and Huxley fast sodium (Na) channel for AP generation |
TraubsHHNeuron | Conductance based spiking neuron using Traubs modified HH model |
TriangularAnalogFilter | Implementation of an analog low-pass filter with a triangular kernel |
UserAnalogFilter | Implementation of an analog low-pass filter with a user-defined kernel (maximum length = 10) |
VIonGate | Generic first order kinitics voltage dependend ion gate |