Generic first order kinitics voltage dependend ion gate.
Generic first order kinitics voltage dependend ion gate.
The Model
An ion gate is model via the equation ( is an interger exponent) where the state variable obeys the first order kinetics
with the voltage dependent rateconstants and . This equation can also be written in the (sometimes more convinient) form
with the following relations between the time ``constant'' and the ``resting'' value and the activation and inactivation parameters and .
For an efficient computation we precalculate for each value of the integration parameters and for the numerical solution of the differential equation and store them in a lookup table.
For the exponential Euler integration method these are given by
For the Crank-Nicolson method they are given by
Input/Output Signals
The calculated output of IonGate is . For its computations it needs the membrane voltage and resting potential of the associated object.
To actually implement a specific gate one has to derive a class from this one and implement either the pair of functions alpha(), beta() or the pair tau(), infty(). Not dooing so will cause an infity recursion fo the current implementation of IonGate.
Furthermore it is neccesarry that you include in your class definition of MyIonGate the macro IONGATE_TABLES and you also need in mygate.cpp the following two lines of code: