CSIM: StaticSpikingSynapse Class Reference

StaticSpikingSynapse Class Reference

#include <staticspikingsynapse.h>

Inheritance diagram for StaticSpikingSynapse:

SpikingSynapse Synapse Advancable csimClass StaticSpikingCbSynapse List of all members.

Detailed Description

A static spike transmitting synapse (no synaptic dynamics).

We call a synapse a static synapse if the amplitude of each postsynaptic response is equal. Here we implement a synaptic response $x(t)$ of the form $x(t)=W\cdot\exp(-t/\tau)$ for each spike which hits the synapse at time $t$ with an amplitude of $W$ and a decay time constant of $\tau$ . The responses of all the spikes are added up linearly.


(C) 2003, Thomas Natschläger last modified 07/10/2006