Setting up a network simulation

Setting up a network simulation


  • idx=csim('create',class); creates an object of the class specified by the string class and returns a uint32 index or handle for the created object. This index/handle is the only means to access the created object.

  • idx=csim('create',class,N); creates N objects of the class specified by the string class and returns a uint32 vector of indices/handles for the created objects.

The handles returned by idx=csim('create',...); are used to identify the objects later in 'set', 'get' and 'connect' calls.

See the Class Reference for a full description of all available classes.


  • csim('set',field,value); sets the network field specified by the string field to value.

  • csim('set',idx,field,value); sets the field specified by the string field of the object with index/handle idx to value. idx can also be a vector of indices/handles of objects of the same class.

    If idx is a vector and value is a scalar then the fields of all objects are set to value.

    If idx and value are vectors of the same size then the field field of all objects idx(i) is set to value(i).

  • csim('set',idx,f1,v1,f2,f2,...,fn,vn); sets the fields specified by the strings f1, f2, ..., fn of the object with index/handle idx to the values v1, v2, ... vn. idx and v1, v2, ... vn can also be vectors.


  • csim('connect',dstIdx,srcIdx); sets up a signal flow from the source srcIdx object (e.g. a synapse) to the destination object dstIdx (e.g. the postsynaptic neuron) where dstIdx and srcIdx are indices/handles to objects.

    dstIdx and srcIdx can also be vectors. In that case for each i=1:length(srcIdx); a signal flow $\mathtt{dstIdx(i)} \leftarrow \mathtt{srcIdx(i)}$ is set up.

  • csim('connect', dstIdx, srIdx, viaIdx); for each i=1:length(srcIdx); a signal flow of the form $\mathtt{dstIdx(i)} \leftarrow \mathtt{viaIdx(i)} \leftarrow
\mathtt{srcIdx(i)}$ is set up where dstIdx, srcIdx, and viaIdx are vectors of the same length of indices/handles to objects.

  • csim('connect',recIdx,objIdx,fieldName); connects the object with handle objIdx to the recorder with handle recIdx. The recorder recIdx will then record a trace of the values of the field fieldName of the objects specified by the vector of hadles objIdx.

(C) 2003, Thomas Natschläger last modified 07/10/2006