Displaying/Getting information

Displaying/Getting information


  • csim('get'); diplays the values of the global fields

  • v=csim('get',field); return the value of the global field specified by the string field

  • csim('get',idx); displays the values of all fields of the object specified by the array index/handle idx

  • v=csim('get',idx,field); returns a double array v where v(:,i) contains the values of the field field of the object with index/handle idx(i).

  • o=csim('get',idx,'struct'); return a struct array describing the object specified by the index/handle idx(1):

    • o.className : String containing the name of class of object
    • o.spiking : Double value which is 1 if the object is a spike emitting object (0 otherwise)
    • o.fields : Cell array of strings containing the field names of the object
    • and all fields with its values.

  • [incomming,outgoing]=csim('get',idx,'connections'); returns the indices/handles of the incomming (i.e. input delivering) and outgoing (i.e. output receiving) objects of the object specified by the index/handle idx. This is currently only implemented for Synapses and Neurons.

  • R=csim('get',recorder_idx,'traces'); returns the traces of the fields recorded by the Recorder object with handle recorder_idx during the last simulation. See the Recorder documentation for details about the format of R.


  • csim('list'); and csim('list','classes'); print a list of all available classes

  • csim('list','classes','-fields'); prints a list of all available classes with information about the fields of each class. Read/writeable fields are marked by a '=' between the field name and its description, wheres a ':' denotes a read-only field.

  • csim('list','objects'); prints a list of all created objects

  • csim('list','objects','-fields'); prints a list of all created objects and the values of its fields. Read/writeable fields are marked by a '=' between the field name and its value, wheres a ':' denotes a read-only field.

  • csim('list','networks'); prints a list of all networks

  • csim('list','networks','-fields'); prints a list of all networks and the values of its fields. Read/writeable fields are marked by a '=' between the field name and its value, wheres a ':' denotes a read-only field.

Not that instead of 'list' one can use 'ls' as a shortcut.


  • csim('version') prints a version string
  • v=csim('version'); returns the version string

(C) 2003, Thomas Natschläger last modified 07/10/2006